jEdit Syntax Package
[ Most recent version: 2.2.1 ]


The jEdit Syntax Package is a syntax highlighting JavaBean. It is being maintained by Tom Bradford, and is based on an earlier version of The jEdit programmer's text editor. jEdit continues to be developed by Slava Pestov and others.
The jEdit Syntax Package is Open Source software, released under an MIT style license. Because of this, it can be used freely in any software, including commercial applications.
The recommended Java version for running the jEdit Syntax Package is Java 2 version 1.3. However, it will also run with Java versions as old as 1.1 (as long as Swing 1.1.1 is installed).
The jEdit Syntax Package is easily extensible and immediately provides several highlighting styles, bracket matching, rectangular editing, macro recording, and more.
Unlike jEdit, which is a full-blown text editor, the jEdit Syntax Package is very lightweight, and meant solely for embedding into Java user interfaces. It does not include some of the nicer features of jEdit, including plugins, and scripting.

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XMLTokenMarker is a simple class that can be used as a TokenMarker plugin for the jEdit 2.2.1 Syntax Package. I wrote it because the HTML TokenMarker that comes with the syntax highlighting package is very simple, and isn't fully aware of some XML constructs. This class will be part of the next official Syntax Package release.
The jEdit 2.2.1 Syntax Package is a stand-alone version of the text control from an older version of jEdit. It supports features such as syntax highlighting, bracket matching, rectangular editing, macro recording, and more.

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New jEdit Syntax Package Maintainer  (tom) - 2001-08-1

The jEdit Syntax Package is now being maintained by Tom Bradford (me). I've taken a liking to the package, partly because it's very well written, partly because it's easily embedded, and partly because it's MIT licensed (as opposed to GPL).

Slava and I have agreed that I will take over responsibilities for this package, and my first job in the transition was to establish a separate SourceForge project called jedit-syntax.
New XMLTokenMarker Available  (tom) - 2001-07-28

I've developed an XMLTokenMarker for the jEdit Syntax Package. I wrote it because the HTML TokenMarker that comes with the syntax highlighting package, and serves as the base class for the XMLTokenMarker is very simple, and isn't fully aware of some XML constructs.
Last updated August 1, 2001. Send feedback, comments and criticism to Tom Bradford.